Well worry you not, bringing to you a list of items you can fetch out of any shopping deal to give that kind-of-a stranger.
- Books :
One doesn’t need to be an avid reader to enjoy a good read. There are surely some classics you can pick from the shelf but the latest crop of Indian authors is there with some real engrossing piece of write ups. So pick one and help them to start up their own book shelf if they haven’t started any.
- Flowers :
There is nothing as invigorating as a bunch of fresh flowers. A person of any characteristics will warmly embrace this gift of yours provided he or she is allergic to flowers! This is one of the few best ideas that never fail to create the required magic.
- Photo Frame :
We all love to cherish our own sweet memories. And how about if we can freeze them around us or carry them handy wherever we go. A photo frame quenches all those needs of yours. So go and pick one that catches your fancy.
- Chocolates :
Now there are many who do not really have any affinity for chocolates or at times have their own preferences for them. You can always think of a box of assorted chocolates; milk, dark, Swiss, alcoholic or even dry fruits. There are a lot of variants available in the market.
- Gift Card :
And after so much of brainstorming you yet aren’t able to decide over anything. Then the latest trend of gift cards can always come for your rescue. It makes it for a real easy option, saves a lot of your time and doesn’t even involve the agenda of choices or dislikes.
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