Men often define themselves by the style and colour of the shoes that they wear. With a number of leading international as well as national brands in the country, men have a wide variety of footwear to choose from. Some of the popular types include formal shoes for men, casual shoes for man and ethnic shoes for men.
It is often said that a man can define himself by the style and colour of the shoes that he wears. With a wide variety of shoes for every occasion, men can choose from a variety of footwear to match any occasion. Some of the popular types of shoes include formal wear, informal (casual) wear, sports shoes, ethnic shoes, slippers and flip flops, etc. There are a number of outlets across the country which caters to providing men’s shoes which are not only trendy and stylish, but extremely comfortable.
Professional Shoes/footwear is an important component of a man’s wardrobe, as looking sharp while at office/professional work space is absolutely a must. There are a number of textures, looks as well as the way the show feels when worn, which distinguishes the types available in the market. Many of these stores provide you with options such as moccasins, derby, semi-formal as well as formal footwear to give you a very sophisticated look.
There are many leading international brands catering to these types of shoes such as Lee Cooper, Samsonite, Louise Philippe, Lacoste, Dune, etc. You can also find top domestic brands such as Red Tape, Bata, etc. In fact, formal shoes for men occupy a large segment of his footwear wardrobe.
Casual shoes for men are also another important ingredient which adds an element of attitude to the persona of the wearer. There are a number of Indian brands and international brands which have a rich ensemble to make the person look and feel good. There is a wide variety of casual footwear available for men such as loafers, slip-ons, canvas wear, etc. Some of the leading international brands include Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Puma, New Balance, Converse etc. while some of the domestic brands include Liberty, Bata, MS Shoes, Paragon footwear, etc.
It is often said that a man can define himself by the style and colour of the shoes that he wears. With a wide variety of shoes for every occasion, men can choose from a variety of footwear to match any occasion. Some of the popular types of shoes include formal wear, informal (casual) wear, sports shoes, ethnic shoes, slippers and flip flops, etc. There are a number of outlets across the country which caters to providing men’s shoes which are not only trendy and stylish, but extremely comfortable.

There are many leading international brands catering to these types of shoes such as Lee Cooper, Samsonite, Louise Philippe, Lacoste, Dune, etc. You can also find top domestic brands such as Red Tape, Bata, etc. In fact, formal shoes for men occupy a large segment of his footwear wardrobe.
Casual shoes for men are also another important ingredient which adds an element of attitude to the persona of the wearer. There are a number of Indian brands and international brands which have a rich ensemble to make the person look and feel good. There is a wide variety of casual footwear available for men such as loafers, slip-ons, canvas wear, etc. Some of the leading international brands include Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Puma, New Balance, Converse etc. while some of the domestic brands include Liberty, Bata, MS Shoes, Paragon footwear, etc.
In fact, many of the casual type of shoes are slip-ons for men. These shoes are often the most preferred for daily wear and men can choose from a variety of colours and styles. They are extremely comfortable to wear and give you a relaxed, casual look. There are a number of stylish crocs as well as loafers to choose from. These shoes are one of the most important shoes that take you from day to night.
Another popular type that is popularly worn includes sandals for men. These shoes are some of the most common types of shoes most men wear on a daily basis across the country. These may be of both international as well as national brands. They may be of different types such as floater sandals, clog styled, etc.
Culture is entwined in the lives of every Indian and festivities form important days when men dress up in their traditional attire and look their best. Matching the right footwear for such occasions is absolutely necessary and you can find a number of ethnic shoes for men to choose from. Some of the popular shoes include mojaris, lahori footwear, khussa sherwani shoes, traditional sandals, etc. All these types of shoes add an ethnic touch to your outfit and give you a polished Indian look.
Another popular type that is popularly worn includes sandals for men. These shoes are some of the most common types of shoes most men wear on a daily basis across the country. These may be of both international as well as national brands. They may be of different types such as floater sandals, clog styled, etc.
Now no more running around to find shoes for men via @chrisluke246 #menshoesSports is one of the main activities men engage in during their life and finding the right pair of shoes is extremely important. You can find a variety of footwear for different purposes, sports and outdoor activities such as running, walking, cross training, cricket, tennis, football, hiking, etc. at various outlets across the country. These shoes are specially designed to provide you with comfort as well as for the different terrain that they are used on.
— Kalpesh Chavan (@KalpeshChavan4) October 9, 2013
Culture is entwined in the lives of every Indian and festivities form important days when men dress up in their traditional attire and look their best. Matching the right footwear for such occasions is absolutely necessary and you can find a number of ethnic shoes for men to choose from. Some of the popular shoes include mojaris, lahori footwear, khussa sherwani shoes, traditional sandals, etc. All these types of shoes add an ethnic touch to your outfit and give you a polished Indian look.
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